• فارسی

On the eve of the arrival of important equipment, continuous visits and intensive meetings were held in the CTEP project of the South Azadegan oil field

On the eve of the arrival of important equipment, continuous visits and intensive meetings were held in the CTEP project of the South Azadegan oil field

The central processing unit project of the South Azadegan oil field (CTEP) is preparing for the arrival of some important equipment, and the continuous visits and intensive meetings of officials and executives in this project have continued and increased.
According to the public relations report of Petropars Group, the central processing unit of South Azadegan oil field (CTEP) on Wednesday and Thursday, the 8th and 9th of December, due to the arrival of some important project equipment and being on the threshold of pre-commissioning and early production until Before the end of this year and the realization of the harvesting and processing of 50 thousand barrels of crude oil per day, it hosted some officials and executives of the country and the region, as well as the CEOs of the employer and contractor, and intensive specialized meetings.

The visit of the head of energy affairs of the country’s program and budget organization to the CTEP project
Dr. Karimi; The head of energy affairs of the country’s program and budget organization along with engineer Sharifi; The CEO of Oil Engineering and Development Company (Matan) with his presence in the central processing unit (CTEP) project of Azadegan South Joint Oil Field by Dr. Alikhani; The CEO of Petropars Group and other managers of the group were welcomed and while visiting different parts of this project during the latest activities, existing problems and upcoming plans to realize pre-commissioning, early production and daily harvesting and processing of 50 thousand A barrel of crude oil was placed.

Arundan oil and gas CEO visit to different parts of CTEP project
Engineer Adhari Ahwazi; The CEO and member of the board of directors of Arundan Oil and Gas Company and the accompanying delegation were among the other guests of the Central Processing Unit (CTEP) project of Azadegan South Joint Oil Field who visited this project. In this visit, a report on the current status and future plans of the project was presented to the visitors by the project managers. During the visit of the CEO of Arundan Oil and Gas to the CTEP project, the CEO of Oil Development and Engineering Company (Matan) and the CEO of Petropars Group as the main employer and contractor were present and presented their plans to realize the desired visions.

Visit of the director of the South Azadegan oil field development project of the CTEP project
Engineer Bagheri; After visiting the central processing unit (CTEP) project of this field, the director of the South Azadegan oil field development project reviewed the reports presented and discussed the activities carried out and in progress. Engaged in interaction and consensus.

Management and expert meetings of the CEO of Petropars Group in the CTEP project
Dr. Alikhani; The CEO of Petropars Group, after the field visit of officials and executive directors of the guest and employer to the CTEP project in intensive and specialized meetings that were held with the presence of managers and experts of the headquarters and project of Petropars Group and continued until midnight, the process of supplying and preparing ordered goods and equipment He examined the important and fundamental aspects of the Central Processing Unit project of the South Azadegan oil field, and by pointing out that the visits made to the project show the attention and attention to this project.He emphasized the necessity of teamwork and coordinated action from the headquarters and the site and more coherent planning to supply the goods and services needed by the project and after hearing the reports and opinions of colleagues, he presented management solutions.

In these meetings, Dr. Alikhani evaluated the reports presented by the project managers and contractor companies, and by reviewing the decisions of the past visits and their impact on the progress of the project, the results of his field visits to different parts of the project and his estimate of the level of preparation. Petropars Group has discussed the equipment installation operations and the realization of the goals with its colleagues and emphasized on synergy, consensus, coordinated action, avoiding parallel work, identifying the deficiencies, needs and existing potentials and pointing out that the project is on the threshold of operation. Early and the possibility of possible challenges, called for the targeted interaction of group companies and the attention of executive managers active in projects to crisis management and solving challenges.

It should be mentioned that Petropars Group, through Iran Petropars Company, is implementing the development plan of the central processing unit of the South Azadegan Joint Oil Field (CTEP), which will produce 320,000 barrels of oil and 197 million cubic feet of gas per day with energy capacity. The country is added.

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