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Appreciation and recruitment, Petropars reward to the elite student

Appreciation and recruitment, Petropars reward to the elite student

Appreciation and employment, Petropars reward to the student who won the gold medal of the World Mathematics and Science Olympiad in 2023

In a ceremony held on Thursday, 23 September at the administrative building of the CTEP project, while completing the recruitment process and entry of Romina Saki into the family of Petropars Group, Dr. Alikhani; The CEO of Petropars Group praised the efforts of this young native resident of Hoizeh city.
According to the Public Relations and International Affairs report of Petropars Group, Dr. Alikhani, in meeting with Romina Saki and her family, presenting a certificate of appreciation to this elite student, said: “Petropars Group, in line with its social responsibilities, will strengthen targeted cooperation with the Elite Foundation and Consolidation of the relationship between industry and university pays special attention to the students and elite students of deprived areas of the country, especially the areas where the projects of this group are implemented, and in addition to identifying, hiring and financially supporting these loved ones, the field of work and activities in Iran. will make it possible for them and will prevent other countries from absorbing these valuable treasures, which are considered national capitals.

The CEO of Petropars Group emphasized that there are many hidden talents in the deprived areas of the country, which flourished if supported and provided with favorable conditions and can win domestic and international honors for the country. In order to recruit this elite student and other elites and young talents of the country, he stated in the same direction.

It should be mentioned that Romina Saki; An elite student living in Huizeh city, won a gold medal in the World Math and Science Olympiad in 1402 in competition with the selected teams of 19 countries.

It is worth mentioning that Engineer Saidi; The CEO of Petropars Iran and some other managers of this company were present at the recruitment and appreciation ceremony of this elite student.

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